Feb 22, 2011

Day #9


Planes. Trains. Automobiles.

Unfortunately we do not have a machine that can take us across the world in 1.5 seconds.

It may resemble this...

In the little town of Chicago we like to use the CTA to get around this fine city.

This could be either by the...


The 'L'
Either way you go the ride is going to cost $2.25 each way. 

CTA Pass.
So...On January 29 I was spending the day walking around my neighborhood with Alex, Jenna (my sister) and my mom.

I bought a Cta pass and wanted to give it to someone.

It is always nice to find one laying on the ground that has money on it. 

I have a unlimited pass for being a full time student so I normally give a found pass to Alex.

I love surprises and therefore I put the pass into a paper for someone else to find.

The Red Eye. Free paper printed daily.

Most likely they will never know where or who the pass came from. 

I am ok knowing this because the purpose is to put a smile on someone else's face.

I would hope that maybe whoever finds this will use it to go somewhere and explore, but that is only my hope.

Whether you have a car, take the transit, or walk...Go explore today.

You may find a place that takes your breath away.

Jayme Lynn

Photos courtesy of Flikr.com

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